
Reviews: “Doctor Who meets James Bond”

Reviews: “Doctor Who meets James Bond” 

I love this review from Maddie, one of Electric Monkey’s shortlisted reviewers. She really enjoyed the book and had a lot of thoughtful things to say about. It wasn’t the kind of book she would normally read, so it means a lot that she liked it so much. I’m particular grateful for the tagline she’s […]

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Blog Tour: “Top 10 Perks”

Blog Tour: “Top 10 Perks” 

Jess @ Gone With The Words asked me to list my Top 10 Perks of being an author. Forget the other nine. Really it’s all about number four: 4. Working in track pants. Oh, and there’s a giveaway!

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Signed Editions?

So, I’ve been gadding about. Some of the places I’ve gadded into are bookstores, which now have signed copies. If you’d like one, they can be found in these stores: Books of Wonder, W 18th Street, New York Barnes & Noble, Court Street, Brooklyn Barnes & Noble, 5th Ave, Manhattan McNally Jackson, Prince Street, New […]

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Big Idea & Favorite Bit

Big Idea & Favorite Bit 

I feel bad for combining these two major opportunities, but today is such a huge day that I figure it’s not unreasonable. Don’t want to swamp everyone (and I’m getting on a plane in a couple of hours so at that point all blogging will cease). Here’s a frog chaser for the overwhelmed. Anyway, first, […]

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