
Crashland imminent!

crash stackIt’s been a great week for mail. Advance copies of all three editions of Crash/Crashland (US, UK, and Australian) arrived in consecutive days, and I am made rudely aware that the release date is almost upon us. I’ve been waiting for this so long it didn’t seem entirely real. But soon it will be, and I’m dying to know what people think of Clair’s continuing adventures!

If you’d like a bonus prequel and a sneak peek at the opening chapter, consider subscribing to the new Sean Williams newsletter. The first edition will also have some giveaways, so sign up now to take part in that.

If you’ve forgotten what happened in the first book, “I, Q” is the perfect refresher. A novella re-telling the story of the novel from Q’s point of view, it’ll bring you right up to speed in no time.

Meanwhile here’s a broadcast of an amazing panel I was on recently at Brisbane Writers’ Festival: “What is a Mind” (you know, an easy question to answer), with Antony Funnell, Dr Kate Richards, David Roland, and Damon Young. It was thought-provoking and moving, and has some relevance on what’s to come in this series.

And now, back to book three! My editor’s whip is cracking . . .

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