
Crashland UK cover

I’m remiss in not posting the UK cover here before (it slipped under my radar while working on book three) so here it is, in all its glory.

Crashland UK finalTwinmaker9I don’t know what the colour of the Hollowgirl cover will be, but I’m guessing it’ll be wonderfully bright! Here’s the cover copy:

When Clair decides to change everything, the system crashes and the earth is plunged into crisis. The d-mat network is broken. People are trapped, injured, dying. It’s the end of the world as Clair knows it — and it’s partly her fault.

“The girl who killed d-mat” is enlisted to track down the rogue AI known as Q, who is now missing. Q is the key to fixing the system, but she isn’t responding to any calls for help, and anyway, can she be trusted?

Caught between pro and anti d-mat activists, in a world on the brink of all-out war, Clair must decide where she stands — and who she’ll stand with — at the end.

(Preorder Crashland here.)

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