
Lust, Entrapment & “In Your Face”

Lust, Entrapment & “In Your Face” 

I would love to live in a world where anyone could look any age they liked. It’s my firm belief that humanity would, on the whole, benefit by being liberated from the involuntary creep of wrinkles, sagging and spots that comes with advancing years, not to mention greying, unwanted, or entirely absent hair. Note: I’m […]

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Infinite Summer

Infinite Summer 

I’m on holidays and working on my latest book so new content is a bit sparse over here at the moment. Apologies! But good press continues to trickle in for Hollowgirl/Fall, which I feel compelled to share. The Age is the latest Australian paper to give the series a plug, recommending it as one of […]

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KIWIreviews Hearts Fall

KIWIreviews Hearts Fall 

Another great review for Hollowgirl/Fall, this time from across the Tasman. I’m so pleased with how this book is doing. Whew! “This is the sort of modern Young Adult fiction that I would be glad to see my kids reading. It could be as prophetic for them as Arthur C. Clarke was for the last […]

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“I Have A Vision”

“I Have A Vision” 

There’s a trilogy of songs I will permanently associate with the Twinmaker series. One is “Jump” by Van Halen, after the title of the first book of the series in Australia. The other is “Jesse’s Girl” by Rick Springfield. This song (which I always play when I’m DJing, if I can get away with it) […]

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