
The ever-expanding Twinmaker family tree

The ever-expanding Twinmaker family tree 

There are well over 30 bonus stories set in the Twinmaker universe. Because I like to keep track (and have a thing for lists), here’s a list of which secondary characters appear where and how they connect to Clair and Jesse. Links lead to stories where available; details of the others can be found on […]

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Crashland UK cover

Crashland UK cover 

I’m remiss in not posting the UK cover here before (it slipped under my radar while working on book three) so here it is, in all its glory. I don’t know what the colour of the Hollowgirl cover will be, but I’m guessing it’ll be wonderfully bright! Here’s the cover copy: When Clair decides to […]

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“Die with a T”

“Die with a T” 

D-mat is the ultimate way to lose weight, right? One minute you’re there, the next you’re not. Did you hear the one about the girl who wanted to lose weight? I mean, lots of weight, really badly. Being skinny was everything to her. She’d spend hours in front of the mirror, wondering what she could […]

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TFYP + Glimpse of Crashland

TFYP + Glimpse of Crashland 

This blog has been in a holding pattern for a few weeks while I write book three, but that is all about to end. Barring a disaster, the first draft of Hollowgirl (Fall in Australia) will be done next week. So, to celebrate, I have a NEW STORY lined up plus (hopefully) news on several […]

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